RISC-V Assembly: This is fairly straightforward so I will skip it.
Speeding up system calls: Straightforward task. Store a pointer to struct usyscall in proc.h. Allocate a page and assign the PA of that page to the pointer. Add the requisite mappings in proc_pagetable
cd /opt/riscv/bin, after cd’ing run ./riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu-gdb ~/xv6-riscv-fall19/kernel/kernel.
Run ctags on the source folder, makes it easier to navigate through code. cd os161\ ctags -R
What happens to a thread when it calls thread_exit? What about when it sleeps?
This problem is taken from Jeff Erickson’s Algorithms ‘textbook’, link here. This is Problem 3 from the first chapter which is on Recursion. This has been shortened considerably.
I was reading up on Raft, an understandable consensus algorithm. The link to the paper is here. Only continue reading if you’ve read the paper.
Hello, there. Its 3:21 A.M right now, I’ve been at this blogging thing for about 3 hours now. Truth be told, it was a bit painful setting up my own blog using GitHub Pages. I am keeping my fingers crossed that this blogging thing better become mor...