cd os161\
ctags -R
tmux shortcuts,
a. All commands are triggered by prefix key - Ctrl+B
, press Ctrl
and b
b. To split the pane, in left and right Ctrl + B
then Shift + %
c. To split the pane, in top and bottom Ctrl + B
then Shift + "
d. To Exit from the current pane, type exit
or hit Ctrl + D
e. To navigate, Press Ctrl + B
, then use arrow keys to navigate.
Vim and ctags shortcuts,
a. Ctrl + ]
to go to definition.
b. Ctrl + T
to jump back from definition.
c. Ctrl + W, Ctrl + ]
open definition in a horizontal split.
d.Add these lines in vimrc
map <C-> :tab split
Ctrl+\ - Open the definition in a new tab Alt+] - Open the definition in a vertical split
Debugging OS-161 kernel,
a. Run sys161 -w kernel
in a new window.
b. Run os161-gdb kernel
in another window. In this window, run target remote unix:.sockets/gdb